Mid Missouri Malamute Rescue
Mid Missouri Malamute Rescue
Sanctuary residents are dogs that will remain with us forever due to their health or backgrounds. We will gladly accept any monetary donations to help us continue their lifelong care! We love these pups and care for them like they are our own.
Sanctuary Pup
Annie is nine years old and from Missouri. She was an owner's surrender that was set to be euthanized. Annie gets along great with her new family at Decator's and will live a long life with lots of love.
Annie has severe arthritis in her hips and back and requires a good amount of medication to keep living a happy, long life.
Sanctuary Pup
Malamutes are people dogs, they instinctively crave and need human interaction. When they are raised without that interaction, they become fearful, anxious, and withdrawn.
This is what happened to Gracie, and it is going to take quite a bit of time to get her to be the wonderful loving family pet, I know she can become! Other than being fed, watered, taken to the vet for shots, she lived apart from any human contact, so for the first 2 days stayed to herself, would not eat, and growled if anyone approached her. Now she is starting to come out of her shell, no longer growling, playing with toys, and demanding to be petted. Yet still very fearful of everything, so exposing her to new things is going to help a lot I believe. Gracie needs a home where she can be around her owner pretty much all of the time.
UPDATE: Gracie Lynn, is still a handful. She is getting along with many of the other dogs now (Seeker is her favorite) She does not like strangers, and she is not a growler, she is a biter, for this reason she s a sanctuary dog, we just can not risk anyone being hurt. Still loud, still a screamer if crated for more than 2.5 milliseconds. Still not 100% house broken, but she is working on it. Gracie is a wonderful girl, doing the nest she can.
Sam and Dean are a bonded pair of Husky's. Sam has Glaucoma in his right eye, and not the best sight in the left, he depends on his brother Dean to go first and try everything before he will attempt it. Sam requires lots of vet visits and medication, Sam and Dean are under an owner hold.
Together they are hell on wheels!!!
Sanctuary Pup
Pita is a 10 year old AKC registered Malamute, she came to us after killing a Yorky that came into her yard, so to save the peace in the neighborhood Pita had to go! Pita gets along with Sam and Dean, but no other dogs that we have found so far.
Pita has some pretty concerning medical issues that we are searching for answers to, we believe it to be some sort of auto immune disease, but unsure at the moment. Her vet is trying different treatments .
Sanctuary Pup
Wylie, like his name suggests is a handful! He has been homed and abandoned many times in the past. He is a grumble bucket, has to be put under just to groom, can't even be petted unless he initiates.
Wylie came to us from Oklahoma, and even though he is rather crazy, he lives a good life here with us.
Wylie needs a sponsor because his grooming alone costs a small fortune!
AKA Krimmy Lee
Sanctuary Pup
Kicked, beaten , locked in a crate on the porch and just all around abused, 3 homes in her first 6 months of life....Needless to say she was traumatized, and will remain here as long as she will have us! :)
Sanctuary Pup
Ryder is a 5 year old 125 lb. adult male Malamute. who has aggression issues with ALL other dogs.
Ryder came to us as an owner surrender, who had been, lets just say not treated very nicely.
Sanctuary Pup
Whiskey is a beautiful, 2 -3 year old fawn colored Husky. Whiskey and his brother Bourbon, were street dogs in California. The two brothers had had no human interaction other than being chased out of peoples yards and trash cans. The two must have been pretty good at laying low, and fending for themselves or they would have had been caught long before becoming so wild. Whiskey is the friendlier of the two.
Downey, who you will see below, is a guardian angel for these two brothers. The three are bonded together.
Sanctuary Pup
Bourbon is a beautiful, 2- 3-year-old fawn colored Husky, who is Whiskey's brother. Bourbon and his brother Whiskey were street dogs in California. The two brothers had had no human interaction other than being chased out of people's yards and trash cans. The two must have been pretty good at laying low and fending for themselves or they would have had been caught long before becoming so wild. Bourbon is the more standoffish of the two boys and is extremely scared of human contact. The two will remain sanctuary pups along with their emotional support dog Downey.
Sanctuary Pup
Downey is a two year old Alaskan Husky (Malamute/Husky Mix). Downey is BOLD, inquisitive, out-going, friendly, and cuter than dirt!
Downey was rescued by us from a shelter in California and has now become an emotional support dog for our street boys, Whiskey and Bourbon, as they will not go anywhere without him so Downey will remain a sanctuary dog. Downey is pretty laid back when it comes to other dogs and does not seem to be the one to start any trouble.
Downey's fur has been shaved at some point and has grown back in spotty and a mess, he is currently getting brushed daily to get his mats and such brushed through, but it will all grow back out in time we hope but he will be in need constant grooming.